Blood Money – Latex Boffer Greatsword

  • boffer foam great sword with a bull skull crossguard

Blood Money – Latex Boffer Greatsword

To Warchief Llauga Oakenhorn, victory is an aspect of trade. To win is to place the loser in one’s debt, a debt often bought back by the execution of the vanquished. The receipts of such exchanges are trophies of bone, jewelry, or other possessions formerly held by the deceased. Llauga was fascinated by the tendency of her victims to carry small metal disks, simple things that they coveted even as they died. She knew then that these coins were trophies of great worth. As such, she began to decorate her weapons and armour with them, taking pride in the merry jingle of blood money on her dress. No self respecting minotaur would ever hide from the enemy. So if you hear the sound of coins coming from Ragwood …maybe it’s a bit too late to run…”

This is a 60” sword commission, Emperor grade! One of the biggest swords I’ve built to date, let me tell you. Not in the least, it’s taller than me! The cow skull was carved out by hand with a dremel, and genuine burgundy leather is used for the wrap.

Construction: Evazote, burgundy leather and XLPE with FWET core

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