Gron – Latex Boffer Club

  • Arm holding a foam boffer bone club

Gron – Latex Boffer Club

“Before king, Groob was strong warrior. Ogre King Brun did not like Groob. Brun and Groob fight long. Brun took Groob’s axe. Groob hurt Brun but Groob had no axe. Groob tore bone from other ogre. Groob hit Brun till Brun move no more. Groob became Ogre King. You not listening!? Groob smash you too!”

-Almost the last thing Tarion the Lorekeeper ever heard.

Thankfully the Ogre King’s stature makes him easy to evade, in spite of close calls with his powerful bone club, Gron. You’re able to escape back to your Caravan with the story of how Groob became the new Ogre King, and even more reason as to why they really shouldn’t be there. Seriously. Get out of there right now.

Commissioned 38″ bone club.

Construction: Evazote and open cell foam with FWET core and latex/fabric mesh.

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