Splitbones – Latex Boffer Bone Saw

  • boffer foam bone saw in a hand

Splitbones – Latex Boffer Bone Saw

Welcome to hell! Or at least, it /would/ be hell truly and surely, however it is not so fiery as it is frigid, disease ridden, and just pretty darn unpleasant, so we can call it “almost-hell”. No, no it’s still a hellhole. And you’d think that hellholes would be places without civilization and decency – oh! You’re absolutely right. Pits of depravity. Backwards medicine, if there were any. Where are the doctors, you say? Well you’re lookin’ at one. I don’t look the part don’t I? No bones or blood or rust, that’s because I still got a bit of good practice in me still, before this story warps me into some saw-totin’, maniacin’, lobotomizing lunatic. I stapled a man together yesterday, by the way, imagine that. Soon enough it’ll be time to act the part, go nuts and whatever. Right now though I keep my tools clean, my hands got gloves, and I’ll keep on boilin’ my water – no deaths on my watch, and I’d rather keep it that way thank you very much!

Commissioned 20″ bone saw. The blade of the saw is textured with stippled latex; it’s a bit of a labour intensive process but it sure does give the final product realism!

Construction: Evazote, XLPE 2LB foam, and Craft Foam with FWET core and latex/fabric mesh.

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