Ulthwé’s Grief

  • boffer foam alien sword with red jewels and runes

Ulthwé’s Grief

“A thousand memories have passed since the birth of Slaanesh, cursed be her name. Even as countless Aelthari souls were swallowed by the cold depths of the Warp, the Craftworld Ulthwé stood strong. Sharpen your grief, ye stalwart souls! Ever will we stand against the horrors of Chaos. Ever will our children stand guard…for all Asuryani that ever have, and ever shall be.”

Fitting that the last prop of this insane year would be an Eldar witchblade boffer! Well, smaller than your regular witchblade, it’s a short sword really. It was a pretty challenging build due to the various intricacies of the design, and it took quite a long time to complete, but boy did it work out great! I think the hardest part must have been the wraithbone runes.Build as follows:

FWET core, composite XLPE 2lb / Evazote foams, skinned with 4 way mesh and painted with latex mixed acrylics. Handle wrapped in soft black lambskin. It’s suitable for lightest touch LARPs and as such is very safe.

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